Located in the College’s Administration building, Student Services is a direct contact point for student and parents for all student absences, holidays, appointment etc. If your child needs to be away on a normal school day, please contact our Student Services Officer by;

  • SMS the Student Services Absentee Line at 0481 070 669, any time
  • Email student.services@gcc.wa.edu.au at any time
  • Phone 9938 9100 between 8.20am and 3.30pm

Parents must wait at Student Services when collecting their child for an appointment. Students must ‘tag out’ and ‘tag in’ at Student Services when leaving and returning to the College during the school day. If a student is marked absent from a class and parents have not contacted Students Services, an automated SMS or email will be sent to parents asking for an explanation of their child’s absence. Parents should reply to the auto SMS or email and should not store the number for future use because it is specific to that particular absentee incident. The full student absence policy can be found here.

The School Education Act 1999 requires compulsory aged students to attend school, or participate in an educational program of a school. Students must attend school on a regular basis to gain the maximum benefit from schooling and optimise their life opportunities. The parents of a child who is enrolled in a school are responsible under the Act for ensuring their child is attending on a daily basis. The WA Department of Education states that student attendance is considered to be “at-risk” if they attend school on less than 90% of school days. Student Services and the Student Supoort Team regularly monitor student attendance at our College. Research has established that every school day counts and that there is no safe level of absence from school. When attendance drops below 90% for students who are regularly missing school, parents will be sent a letter advising that the College is concerned about their child’s attendance rate. Student Services will continue to monitor attendance and if an improvement is not seen, parents will be contacted and asked to attend an appointment with the Principal. Some students will fall under 90% attendance because of extended illness etc and in these cases, if the parent has provided a written explanation, then letters will not be sent to parents. We always seek to work in partnership with parents, so if there are issues that affect your child’s attendance please contact Student Services or the Student Support Team so that all necessary College staff can be made aware.