There are three components to Student Behaviour Management at Geraldton Christian College:


Accolades are actively given and recorded to highlight and encourage positive behaviour within the College.


The data gathering mechanism for intervention is in the form of infringements. This mechanism enables a coordinator to be notified, intervene and discern the behaviour as having a root other than defiance/disobedience and get parents involved. Infringements may be given for being late to class, incorrect uniform or not completing homework.


The negative behaviour response mechanism is in the form of ‘ʹsend-­outs’, which underpins a teacher’s classroom behaviour management strategies, which are implicitly taught, reinforced and clearly defined. The send-­outs are consequential for defiance/disobedience and involve parent partnership as soon as possible.

A full copy of the Behaviour & Student Management Policy can be found here.


All students, parents and staff have the right to feel and be safe at the College.

The label of “bully” is often unhelpful as it stigmatises an individual. At Geraldton Christian College our approach is to deal with behaviour. It is important to remember that conflict amongst people is common but is not by default necessarily bullying.

The aim of the policy is to communicate to all members of the school community that at Geraldton Christian College we take incidences of bullying seriously and will intervene in a timely and consistent manner:

  • A person is bullied when one or more other people expose them regularly and over time to negative or harmful actions.
  • Bullying occurs when people intimidate, exclude, threaten and/or hurt others repeatedly.
  • Bullying is a clear form of harassment.

Because each member of the College community is seen to be made in the ‘image of God’ and is God’s precious creation:

  • Bullying is not acceptable behaviour:
  • Bullying is not tolerated;
  • Bullying is considered a major issue.

Bullying is a societal wide problem and Geraldton Christian College has a zero tolerance to bullying. If a child is bullying, parents should expect to be notified, and in some incidents, an interview with the Deputy Principal or Principal may be necessary.

Each member of the College community has the responsibility of ensuring the safety of the other members of the community. All staff who either witness or are informed of bullying must:

a)  Establish the facts as far as possible;

b)  If you have a reasonable belief that bullying has occurred -­report the incident to the Deputy

Principal who will investigate.

Common forms of behaviour that are not acceptable and will not be tolerated include:

  • Causing physical discomfort or pain to another;
  • Teasing or verbal abuse;
  • Unjustified exclusion of students from an activity or group;
  • Gossiping or telling lies or spreading rumours about another person;
  • Damaging possessions or taking and using them without permission;
  • Making another person feel uncomfortable by the use of sexual references or actions;
  • Using offensive racial terms or references;
  • Causing another person to be afraid at the College or on the way to or from the College;
  • Making threats against a person, their family or to damage their personal property;
  • Using technology such as mobile phones, e-mail or social media as a form of harassment.

College responsibility:

  • To reinforce within the College community what bullying is, and the fact that it is unacceptable;
  • Each classroom teacher is to clarify at the start of each year the College position on bullying;
  • To encourage everyone within the College community to be alert to signs and evidence of bullying;
  • To promote a culture where children and staff report bullying incidents involving themselves or others;
  • To ensure that all reported incidents of bullying are followed up appropriately and that support is given to both victims and perpetrators;
  • To seek parental and peer-­‐‑group support as appropriate;
  • To ensure any staff member who would like assistance is provided with Professional

Development relating to bullying, harassment and proven counter measures;

  • To provide programs that promote resilience, life and social skills, assertiveness, conflict resolution and problem solving;
  • To ensure that the curriculum includes anti-­‐‑bullying messages;
  • To encourage parents to contact the College if they become aware of a problem;
  • To provide a Student Support Team who is available for students who feel they are suffering from bullying.

For a full copy of our Bullying Policy please click here.